我可以撤銷移民擔保書 (I-864) 嗎?

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之前還有另一位讀者問:「為最親的親人做親屬移民並承擔經濟擔保至今已有 8 年多,但因我住在 Georgia, 她住在紐約,她從來美國後的第 2 年起到現在 ,一直瞞著我申請福利和政府醫療保險,我現在勸說她放手,不要再去申請這些政府福利和醫療保險,因為她這樣做會害的我要替她償還她用掉的政府的福利。但她就是不聽。」

又說:「… 身為經濟擔保人,我都必須為她所使用的醫療保險和政府福利買單。而且我是沒有任何辦法可以解脫這種狀況? 我也不可以請律師告她嗎? 政府難道沒有 任何的法律條例可以保護被『無賴』被擔保人纏上的經濟擔保人嗎? 難道我們辛苦賺的錢就該白白的為這個無恥的被擔保人還政府的福利債? 我們的生活要怎麼辦 ? 這對我們這些經濟擔保人太不公平了。」

擔保書(I-864 表格)是您向美國政府做出的承諾,確保您擔保的移民不會依賴公共福利。如果他們領取政府福利,您需要負擔相關費用。這項義務會持續,直到移民:

  1. 成為美國公民,或
  2. 累積工作 40 季(大約 10 年),或
  3. 去世,或
  4. 放棄綠卡並離開美國。



  • 如果移民的申請仍在審核中,那麼承諾還未確立。在這種情況下,您應立即聯絡負責此案的美國政府機構以撤回您的擔保 —— 如果是在美國境內調整身份,則聯絡 USCIS;如果是從國外申請,則聯絡國家簽證中心和/或領事館。
  • 如果移民簽證或綠卡已經被批准,那麼通常來說將無法撤回擔保 —— 除非是海外申請的移民簽證、並且擔保人能成功撤銷其移民簽證。如果您面對這種困境,建議尋求移民律師的建議。

8 C.F.R. § 213a.2(f) 對此問題提供了清楚的說明:

(f) Withdrawal of affidavit of support and any required attachments.

(1) In an immigrant visa case, once the sponsor, substitute sponsor, joint sponsor, household member, or intending immigrant has presented a signed affidavit of support and any required attachments to a Department of State officer, the sponsor, substitute sponsor, joint sponsor, or household member may disavow his or her agreement to act as sponsor, substitute sponsor, joint sponsor, or household member if he or she does so in writing and submits the document to the Department of State officer before the actual issuance of an immigrant visa to the intending immigrant. Once the intending immigrant has obtained an immigrant visa, a sponsor, substitute sponsor, joint sponsor, or household member cannot disavow his or her agreement to act as a sponsor, joint sponsor, or household member unless the person or entity who filed the visa petition withdraws the visa petition in writing, as specified in 8 CFR 205.1(a)(3)(i)(A) or 8 CFR 205.1(a)(3)(iii)(C), and also notifies the Department of State officer who issued the visa of the withdrawal of the petition.

(2) In an adjustment of status case, once the sponsor, substitute sponsor, joint sponsor, household member, or intending immigrant has presented a signed affidavit of support and any required attachments to an immigration officer or immigration judge, the sponsor, substitute sponsor, joint sponsor, or household member may disavow his or her agreement to act as sponsor, substitute sponsor, joint sponsor, or household member only if he or she does so in writing and submits the document to the immigration officer or immigration judge before the decision on the adjustment application.

Derek Yang

第一代移民,在東海岸美麗的小鎮與我的妻子和兩個孩子一同生活。喜歡古典音樂,美味的咖啡,還有寶馬。我深信持續學習的力量,每天都樂於擴展我的知識。很高興能與大家連結,一同分享這美好的人生旅程。推特 @mrderekyang

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