Addicted to Porn Videos and Self-pleasure? Here’s How to Stop the Addiction


Porn videos are a natural part of many people’s sexual lives. There’s no need to feel ashamed or guilty about it. However, if it becomes an addiction and goes unchecked, it could impact your health, as well as your family and professional life.

As the old saying goes, “A little fun is soothing, too much can be harmful, and overindulgence can lead to destruction.”

Why do people get addicted to adult films?

  • Chemical Reaction: When people watch explicit content, the brain releases a surge of dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, satisfaction, and reward. An excess of dopamine can lead to a dependency on such content, similar to other addictive substances.
  • Easy Access: The internet has made accessing explicit content extremely easy. Within seconds, one can find a plethora of adult films. This convenience heightens the likelihood of consumption.
  • Escapism: For some, explicit films become a means to escape reality. Faced with life’s stresses and challenges, they opt to relax by watching these films.

4 downsides of addiction to explicit content

Being hooked on explicit films isn’t just a private matter. It’s akin to drug addiction, making you yearn for more and potentially triggering a range of physical and mental health issues:

  1. Psychological Impact: Some studies suggest that excessive viewing of adult content is linked with depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Overconsumption may detach individuals from real life, leading to social difficulties and isolation.
  2. Impact on Real-life Intimacy: According to a study by PMC, men who frequently watch explicit films may experience diminished sexual desire and struggle to achieve satisfaction or climax in real-life encounters. This could be due to their over-reliance on explicit content, making it harder to find satisfaction in real-life intimacy.[1] Trusted Website NCBI, US National Center for Biotechnology Information, is a trusted source of biotechnology and biomedicine information. Open the link →
  3. Brain Structure Changes: A 2014 study discovered that those who watch explicit films frequently have a smaller reward system in their brain. This suggests they might require more stimulation to achieve the same level of satisfaction.[2]
  4. Relationship Strain: Over-reliance on adult content may lead to unrealistic expectations of partners, resulting in tension in relationships. An article from the Journal of Psychology showed that men who frequently watch explicit content rated their real-life partners as less attractive.

7 signs of adult content addiction

Signs of addiction extend beyond just frequently engaging in a certain activity. It encompasses a range of physical and emotional responses that lead to a strong reliance on something. The following “symptoms” may indicate an addiction to explicit content:

  1. Uncontrollable Urges: Even if you’ve tried to cut down or quit watching, you still feel a strong compulsion to view adult content.
  2. Increasing Time Spent: You find yourself spending more and more time viewing adult films, even at the expense of other essential tasks or activities.
  3. Growing Tolerance: You might need to watch more intense or specific types of content to achieve the same “satisfaction” as before.
  4. Avoiding Social Activities: Preferring to stay at home alone, you might start avoiding social events with family and friends in favor of viewing explicit films.
  5. Emotional Distress: If you try to or are forced to stop watching, you may experience feelings of anxiety, irritability, loss, or other negative emotions.
  6. Impact on Partners: Your intimate life could be affected, or you may find it harder to establish genuine, deep connections with your partner.
  7. Denial: Even when faced with clear signs and negative consequences, you might continue to deny your dependency on adult content.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards addressing the issue. If you believe you might have an addiction to adult content, rather than sinking deeper into reliance, it’s essential to actively seek solutions, assistance, and support to control and change.

11 tips to overcome addiction to porn videos

  1. Taking Steps Forward: Admitting there’s a problem is brave. This admission signifies the start of taking control of your life and working toward becoming a better version of yourself. Whether it’s addiction to explicit content or any other dependency or unhealthy habit, this step is crucial. Reflecting on your actions, feelings, and thoughts helps you see the issue more clearly.
  2. List Your Reasons to Quit: Sometimes, we forget why we want to break certain habits. Write down these reasons and keep them in a place where you can see them often. Whenever you feel the urge to watch, read your list as a reminder. Reasons might include improving mental health, maintaining genuine relationships, and preventing distorted expectations in real-life intimacy.
  3. Understand the Impact: Many find that knowing the negative effects of adult content on individuals and society helps curb their consumption. For some, understanding how such material can be detrimental might reduce its appeal.
  4. Identify Triggers: Recognizing what prompts you to watch is essential. This could be stress, loneliness, boredom, specific images, songs, places, people, or other emotions. By identifying these triggers, you can take targeted actions to avoid or cope with them.
  5. Avoid Temptations: Erase your stash, throw out related magazines, use web filters or apps to block explicit sites. Moreover, try to avoid being alone when you’re most vulnerable.
  6. Engage in Alternative Activities: When you feel the urge to watch, actively engage in other activities like reading, exercising, listening to music, or outdoor activities. This can not only distract you but also help you develop new, healthier habits.
  7. Avoid Self-blame: The journey to quitting can be long and challenging. There might be times when you relapse into old habits. When this happens, instead of wasting time blaming yourself, plan and try different approaches to start fresh.
  8. Seek Support: Talk about your problem with trusted friends or family members who understand and support you. Share why you began watching, how often, and how it’s affected your daily life and mindset. Let them know if you’re seeking advice, just want someone to listen, or need hands-on help as you quit.
  9. Join a Support Group: Knowing others have experienced the same issue offers immense comfort, reminding you that you’re not alone. Support groups, usually comprised of individuals with similar problems, can provide invaluable advice and strategies, bolstering your confidence. These groups typically have a facilitator or leader who provides structured guidance for discussions and activities.
  10. Seek Professional Help: If you find it challenging to quit on your own, consider reaching out to a mental health professional or therapist.
  11. Medication: If you exhibit symptoms associated with addiction, such as anxiety, depression, or other impulse control issues, your doctor might suggest medications like antidepressants (Paroxetine or Fluoxetine), anti-anxiety meds (Buspirone or Benzodiazepines), or drugs for impulse control disorders (Naltrexone). However, combining medication with psychotherapy can be more effective; while drugs can help manage symptoms, therapy helps patients understand the reasons behind their behavior and develop coping strategies.

Remember, everyone has the right to choose how they live. But if you realize a certain habit negatively impacts your life, face it head-on and take steps to change!

Boogie Nights

Editor of mature content at Decent Picks, America's best guides for newcomers.

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