Best Sex Toys of 2023


Dive deep into the enticing world of adult sex toys, where every turn promises a tantalizing surprise. The market, brimming with seductive options, caters to every hidden desire and whispered fantasy. Finding that perfect playmate for your most intimate moments might feel like chasing a mirage amidst a sea of temptation.

The landscape of pleasure tools is as varied and intricate as our personal cravings. Each body, with its unique rhythm and sensuality, seeks a different kind of touch. While a certain toy might send shivers down one’s spine, it might just be a whisper for another. Yet, in this age of unabashed exploration, the doors to a vast array of both lavish and affordable treasures stand invitingly open.

As you set out on this sultry quest, remember: pleasure should never come at the cost of safety. Choose playthings crafted from nonporous, body-safe materials like pure silicone, stainless steel, or ABS plastic. Not only do they promise a clean affair, but they also stand the test of time. Dive into the depths of your desires. Do you yearn for a soft caress or a fiery passion? Do you seek the thrill in the open or in hushed secrecy? Answering these questions will guide your path to ecstasy.

From the gentle hum of wand massagers and the irresistible pull of clit-sucking vibrators to the futuristic allure of app-controlled gadgets, the choices are boundless. Whether you’re on a solo voyage or sharing the thrill with a partner, a world of sensory delights awaits.

As 2023 unfolds, the market glistens with innovation and allure. The quest isn’t just about finding a toy—it’s about finding YOUR toy. With a sprinkle of curiosity, a dash of patience, and a heart open to adventure, you’re set to embark on a journey of unparalleled pleasure. Dive in, as we unveil the 50 TOP choices, handpicked by experts and celebrated by countless pleasure-seekers.


Booty Buddy Silicone Butt Plug
$8.49 at Lovehoney
Made from top-quality silicone for body safety.
Shaped to fit natural internal curves for targeted stimulation.
Suitable for both men and women, as well as first-timers and advanced users.
Designed with an easy-to-insert head and special indentation for added pleasure.
Curved T-bar base prevents unwanted movement during use.
Flared base also stimulates the perineum for added pleasure.
At a low price point.
Needs water-based anal lubricant for optimal use.
No vibrational or other powered features.
One Size. May not fit all users comfortably, as it doesn’t offer different size options.
8 For Him Anal Toy

Boutique Faux Leather Silicone Ball Gag
$22.99 at LoveHoney
Made from smooth silicone and durable faux leather for comfort.
Features a 7-hole buckle for adjustable sizing to fit most heads.
Designed for muffled restraint play, enhancing the BDSM experience.
Flavorless and Odorless. Silicone ball is neutral, making it more comfortable for extended wear.
22 For Couple Bondage

Booty Boot Camp Training Kit
$23.99 at Adam & Eve
Features tapered tips and smooth shafts for easier insertion.
Equipped with flared suction cup bases for hands-free use and added safety.
Offers small, medium, and large sizes to suit different comfort levels.
Can only be used with water-based anal lubes, limiting options for lubrication.
23 For Couple Anal Toy

Luxe Be Me 3 Fuschia Anal Beads
$23.09 at Rainbow Depot
Specifically shaped for optimal anal stimulation.
Contours to the body for a superior pleasure experience.
Made from top-grade premium silicone.
100% body-safe, phthalate-free, and latex-free.
EZ Handle. Designed for easy and comfortable anal play.
Insertable length 4.5 inches, width 1.25 inches, circumference 4 inches.
Comes with a 5-year manufacturer warranty.
23 For Him Anal Toy

Boutique Soft Collar-to-Wrist Cuffs
$24.49 at LoveHoney
Designed for wrist-to-collar positioning, ideal for BDSM scenarios.
Fleece-lined cuffs for enhanced comfort during extended play.
30-inch leash allows for a variety of positioning and movement.
Compatible with other toys like floggers for varied sensations.
Simple design makes it accessible for users at various levels of experience.
24 For Couple Bondage

Scarlet Couture Bed Bondage System
$24.99 at Adam & Eve
Fits discreetly under your bed – turning it into a bondage playground.
4 padded cuffs with connecting straps for multiple bondage positions.
Adjustable Velcro cuffs slip on & off quickly.
Fits any size bed, including kings.
Made from nylon & Velcro with ABS plastic buckles.
24 For Couple Bondage

Rose Sex Toy Dildo Vibrator

$29.98 at Amazon
Combines powerful licking, thrusting, and vibrating functions for enhanced sensations.
Suitable for various erogenous zones like neck, back, vaginal, nipples, G spot, anal, and prostate.
Offers 9 different frequencies for personalized pleasure.
Made of super soft and body-safe silicone.
Fully waterproof design for easy cleaning and wet fun.
Easy two-button operation.
Quiet motor ensures discreet use.
29 For Her Vibrator

Jessica Rabbit Vibrator
$31.49 at LoveHoney
Provides incredible blended stimulation with rotating shaft.
External stimulator offers 3 speeds and 7 patterns.
Shaft features 3 speeds of reversible rotation for personalized pleasure.
100% waterproof for fun in water.
Effortless operation with an easy-to-use control panel.
The rotating shaft can be loud enough for others to hear.
Some users found that the rotating beads did not provide much stimulation.
31 For Her Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

High Roller Rotating Prostate Massager
$39.99 at Lovehoney
Designed specifically for P-spot stimulation with a curved shaft.
Offers 3 speeds and 7 vibration patterns for varied sensations.
Circular stroking motion enhances prostate stimulation.
Textured base massages the perineum for added pleasure.
Remote Control allows for hands-free operation or partner-controlled play.
Massager is waterproof for versatile use. Remote Not Waterproof.
Girthy Design: 4.5-inch girth may provide a fuller sensation but could be too much for some users.
Needs water-based anal lubricant for optimal use.
39 For Him Prostate Massager

Unbound Puff
$48 at Unbound / Free People
Offers 5 different intensity levels for targeted sensations.
Fully submersible up to 3 feet for 30 minutes.
Convenient charging with a USB cable.
Easy to handle with dimensions of 3 inches in length and 2.5 inches in width.
Made from super smooth, body-safe silicone.
Reaches a full charge in 1.5 hours.
Lasts for two to three hours depending on use.
Suitable for both solo and partnered experiences.
48 For Her Clit Stimulation

Lovehoney Rose Clitoral Suction Stimulator
$49.99 at LoveHoney
Boasts 10 intense suction modes for a delightful experience.
Made from luxurious silicone with a gorgeous rose design.
The vibe’s two-button interface is user-friendly.
Magnetic USB charging.
Waterproof design. Enjoy your pleasure in the bath or shower.
Lackluster sensation: Some users found the toy provided barely any sensation and left their clit sore.
49 For Her Clit Stimulation

Mantric Rechargeable Bullet Vibrator
$49.99 at LoveHoney
Super-powerful bullet vibrator. Provides all-over external pleasure.
Tapered, angled tip for pinpoint or widespread sensation.
7 patterns and 3 intensity levels. Offers a variety of play options.
Waterproof. Can be used in the bath for aquatic play.
Some users find the numerous settings distracting.
The size of the vibrator may cause hand vibrations, which can be annoying during use.
49 For Her Vibrator

Sucking Male Masturbator

$39.99 at Amazon
Combines powerful sucking, vibrating, and heating functions for enhanced sensations.
Offers 9 strong sucking and vibrating modes suitable for various play scenarios.
Made of soft, odorless, and durable TPE with a 3D textured inner sleeve for a realistic feel.
Enhanced durability with a new brushless motor and battery charging technology allowing for over 2000 charges.
Automatic heating system heats up to 104°F/40°C within 10 minutes, simulating a realistic body temperature.
Ultra-quiet technology ensures discreet use with noise levels below 50db.
Requires a waiting time of 8-10 minutes for optimal heating.
Might not accommodate those with sizes larger than 5.2 inches.
49 For Him Masturbator

Maude Vibe
$49 at Maude
Made of 100% platinum-grade silicone that meets REACH and FDA standards.
Features 3 adjustable speeds.
Offers a runtime of 1.5 hours.
Conveniently USB-chargeable.
Water-resistant design.
Free from harmful phthalates and latex.
Compatible with water-based lubricants.
49 For Her Clit Stimulation

Satisfyer Pro 2
$59.99 at Adam & Eve
Stimulating puffs of air work your clit.
Scoop-shaped tip fits perfectly for intense sensations.
Experiment with 11 stimulation modes.
Waterproof for wet & wild fun in the shower or tub.
Rechargeable stimulator never needs batteries.
Compatible with water-based lubes only.
Some customers have complained about a buzzing sound and lack of waterproofing ability.
59 For Her Clit Stimulation

Fleshlight Go: Surge
$59.99 at Adam & Eve
More compact shape makes it easier to use when traveling.
Stroker generates a “sucking” sensation for extra pleasure.
Uniquely textured interior designed for maximum stimulation.
Realistic look & feel bring your fantasies to life.
Discreet design makes it easy to hide.
Use with water-based & silicone-based lubes.
Clean up was a pain.
59 For Him Masturbator

Adam & Eve 3 Point Prostate Massager
$59.99 at Adam & Eve
Designed for powerful vibrations and an ergonomic fit to thrill the backdoor.
Contoured center shaft designed to easily find and stimulate the prostate.
Includes perineum stimulator and mini teaser for added pleasure.
Equipped with two motors for maximum power and stimulation.
Offers 10 vibration speeds and patterns for a variety of sensations.
Conveniently rechargeable for continued use.
Compatible with water-based lubes only, restricting options for lubrication.
59 For Him Prostate Massager

$64 at 9Rabbit
64 For Her Vibrator

Fleshlight Pink Lady Stamina
$69.99 at LoveHoney
Realistic Sensation: It’s designed to replicate the intense sensations of intercourse, helping users increase sexual stamina and improve performance and techniques.
Realistic Material: The patented SuperSkin™ material used in the product is praised for its realism and flexibility.
Adjustable Suction: The suction pressure cap allows users to customize the tightness of the experience according to their preference.
It comes in well-made and informative packaging.
It’s smaller than other Fleshlight models.
No variation in the inner texture.
It requires a relatively higher amount of lube.
Might be too intense for those with less experience.
We heard concerns about its long-term wear and tear.
It’s a bit pricy for a manual masturbator.
69 For Him Masturbator

Arcwave Pow Male Masturbator
$69 at LoveHoney
Full-length male masturbator (6.5 in) with a highly textured canal for enhanced sensations.
Two different-sized entrances for varied grip and experience.
Silicone tightens during use for a more realistic feel.
Features an air pressure release valve for adjustable suction intensity.
Removable sleeve with a Quick-Clean Helix design for faster cleaning and drying.
Can be used in the shower.
No batteries or electric components, making it travel-friendly.
No Vibration. Lacks vibrational or other powered features.
Needs water-based lubricant for optimal use.
69 For Him Masturbator

Under The Bed Restraint System
$69.99 at Adam & Eve
Slips underneath your mattress for quick & easy set-up.
4 padded restraints for wrists & ankles.
Works for spread eagle & many other positions.
Fully adjustable for a comfortable yet secure fit.
Velcro restraints slip on & off easily.
Tucks away discreetly underneath your mattress when you’re done.
Works with most mattresses, including kings & pillow tops.
69 For Couple Bondage

Unbound Bender
$71 at Unbound
Suited for G-Spot, clitoral, or broad external stimulation.
Features 10 speeds and patterns for a wide range of intensities.
Designed for powerful stimulation.
Single button for easy speed changes.
Quieter than some other models, making it suitable for discreet use.
Compact and quiet enough for travel.
Made from medical-grade silicone.
Comes with magnetic USB charging capabilities.
71 For Her Clit Stimulation, Vibrator

萌潮小蜜蜂 Beebe
$72 at 9Rabbit
72 For Her Clit Stimulation

Unbound Ollie Wand
$76 at Unbound
Touted as Unbound’s most powerful vibrator.
Features 8 speeds and patterns for customized pleasure.
Made from super-smooth, medical-grade silicone and soft-touch ABS plastic.
Fully submersible up to 3 feet for 30 minutes.
Reaches a full charge in just one hour.
Measures 12 inches in length, with a head circumference of approximately 7 inches.
Suitable for those new to wands as well as experienced users.
Not described as quiet, which may be a concern for some users.
Large dimensions may not be convenient for all users or situations.
76 For Her Clit Stimulation

KISTOY Katy Pro 冲击震动棒
$77 at 9Rabbit
77 For Her Vibrator

Eve’s Rechargeable Thrusting Rabbit
$79.99 at Adam & Eve
Enjoy 10 thrilling modes of lifelike thrusting with the curvy G-Spot shaft.
Rock your clit & vagina with 2 vibrating motors, each with 10 stimulation modes.
Mix different thrusting & vibration modes for hundreds of combinations.
Play in the shower or tub with the waterproof vibe.
Rechargeable vibe runs up to 1.3 hours.
Compatible with water-based lubes only.
Not 100% waterproof. Do not submerged in water.
79 For Her Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

Blowmotion Warming Vibrating Male Masturbator
$89.99 at LoveHoney
Sleek silicone design offers authentic blow job sensations.
3-inch interior canal warms to 104°F for enhanced realism.
Offers 6 vibration patterns with 3 intensities each for varied sensations.
Compact size, USB charging, and travel lock make it ideal for weekend trips.
The opening is too small and might be more suitable for smaller individuals.
89 For Him Masturbator

Bellesa Pebble
$89 at Bellesa Boutique 
Simplifies orgasms. Makes sexual pleasure more accessible.
Combines suction and vibration features.
Designed for natural alignment with the index finger.
Comfortable for self-use or with a partner.
Offers 5 vibration modes and 5 suction intensities.
No mention of material safety. Unclear if the product is made from body-safe materials.
No patterns in vibration. Some users may miss having patterned vibrations.
89 For Her Clit Stimulation

Mantric Prostate Vibrator
$89.99 at Lovehoney
Designed specifically for P-spot stimulation with a long, curved, and bulbous shaft.
Offers 7 different modes for varied sensations.
Flared, cushioned, and textured base for perineum stimulation.
Remote Contro allows for hands-free operation or partner-controlled play.
Made from silken silicone for body safety and comfort.
LED Panel. Helps you easily find and return to your favorite mode.
The massager itself is waterproof for versatile use. Remote Not Waterproof.
Requires Lubricant: Needs water-based anal lubricant for optimal use.
89 For Him Prostate Massager

Womanizer X Lovehoney Pro40
$99 at LoveHoney
The sleek stimulator encircles the clitoris with 6 intensity levels, delivering waves of blissful sensations.
Waterproof and USB rechargeable
Edging capability allows delayed and intensified orgasms.
Replacement heads available.
5-year warranty.
Noisy and underwhelming vibration level.
Lacking suction power.
Appearance felt low-quality, especially its packaging.
Some users found the buttons difficult to use and preferred dials for power control.
99 For Her Clit Stimulation

Greedy Girl G-Spot Rabbit Vibrator
$99.99 at LoveHoney
Rechargeable rabbit vibrator with 2 motors for G-spot and clitoral pleasure.
Curved shaft for G-spot stimulation and flexible ears for clitoral excitement.
Enjoy 36 possible vibration combinations for complete control.
Includes a satin bag for gifting and discreet storage.
Some users find the vibrator too big and challenging to handle.
The large bottom with settings affects handling negatively.
Certain vibration settings are too strong and difficult to adjust, causing discomfort.
99 For Her Vibrator

Dame Pom
$99 at Dame
Well-researched toys designed to heighten intimacy and encourage emotional openness.
Developed based on 1500+ surveys, months of research, and nearly a hundred testers, ensuring a well-vetted product.
Features four new vibration patterns and the most powerful motor yet for a range of experiences.
Designed to fit and fill all sides of your body and muscles, enhancing pleasure.
Developed using scientific research to increase bonding and enhance the user experience.
Offers a discreet design that is also rechargeable for convenience.
Designed to be waterproof and flexible, allowing for a variety of uses.
Features five speeds and five patterns for a customizable experience.
Sits comfortably in your palm and is made from medical-grade silicone for safety.
99 For Her Clit Stimulation

$99 at Bellesa Boutique 
Combines best-in-class g-spot vibrator technology and Cinetic Suction™ 2.0 Technology for a comprehensive experience.
Offers 5 vibration and 5 suction intensities for personalized pleasure.
Suitable for those new to this type of toy.
Utilizes advanced technology for gentle and effective clitoral suction.
No need for batteries; simply plug in to recharge.
Comes with a carrying case for discreet and safe storage.
Fully Submersible. Can be used in water, including in the bathtub.
99 For Her Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

$104 at 9Rabbit
104 For Him Prostate Massager

OSUGA Cuddly Bird
$109 at OSUGA / 9Rabbit
Features 3 suction modes and 4 vibration modes for a varied experience.
Comes with a magnetic charging base for easy and secure recharging.
Includes a mood light to enhance the atmosphere.
Made from medical-grade silicone for safety and comfort.
-Suitable for use in wet environments, though not fully submersible.
109 For Her Clit Stimulation

Monster Pub 2
$119 at Monster Pub / 9Rabbit
Remote Control allows for long-distance control, enabling use anywhere.
Detects your movement for interactive fun, especially when going out.
Heats up to 42℃ within 2 minutes for added comfort.
Offers a variety of features accessible via a smartphone app.
Designed for both private and public use.
U-Type Design stimulates both C-Spot & G-Spot for comprehensive pleasure.
Allows for custom pattern creation and sharing.
Offers 8 different modes for personalized intensity.
100% Waterproof. Suitable for use in wet environments.
Convenient and easy recharging via USB.
Kegel exercise feature only available in the premium version.
119 For Her Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

Lelo Gigi 2
$119.20 at
Waterproof design allows easy cleaning and enjoyment anywhere you want.
Body-safe silicone ensures a smooth touch and heightened sensations.
Offers 8 patterns for unforgettable pleasure experiences.
Flattened tip can double as a clitoral massager, doubling the fun.
Some find GIGI 2’s vibrations not as strong as it claims.
A few report it becoming non-functional after a year of use.
119.20 For Her Vibrator

LELO SONA 2 Cruise
$126.65 at
Designed to provide pleasure for years to come.
12 Settings. Offers a variety of settings from a teasing murmur to a satisfying pulse for personalized enjoyment.
Crafted from a single piece of silicone for a seamless experience.
100% Waterproof. Fully waterproof design allows for use in the bath and shower.
Provides extended usage time for prolonged pleasure.
Made from premium silicone that feels warm to the touch for enhanced comfort.
126 For Her Clit Stimulation

Womanizer Classic 2
$129.00 at Womanizer
10 intensity levels.
Two sizes of stimulator heads cater to different clitoris sizes.
IPX7-rated, fully waterproof.
180 minutes of operating time on a single charge, offering extended pleasure.
Unique Pleasure Air Technology provides clitoral stimulation without direct contact, leading to a novel and intense orgasmic feeling.
Exclusive “Afterglow” function allows users to quickly revert to the lowest intensity setting after orgasm, providing a relaxing end to the experience.
Slim and ergonomic design, fits comfortably in the hand.
Fully body-safe materials; sustainable packaging.
A little noisy at higher intensity levels.
It falls in the medium to high price range for a pressure-wave clitoral stimulator.
129 For Her Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

InsideOut Rechargeable G-Spot and Clitoral Stimulator
$129 at LoveHoney
Stimulates both clitoris and G-spot for explosive pleasure.
Contactless stimulation for sensitive clitoral pleasure.
Curved G-spot stimulator teases inner sweet spots for added enjoyment.
12 intensity levels. Explore various intensities for personalized pleasure.
Exclusive collaboration by pleasure experts Lovehoney and Womanizer.
Some users found the vibrator to be loud.
Some users struggled to find and control the buttons.
The suction was not strong enough for some users’ preferences.
129 For Her Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

$135.20 at Lelo
Adapts to various body shapes for a comfortable fit.
Made of ultra-smooth, premium silicone.
Offers both G-spot and clitoral stimulation.
Features 8 different vibration settings.
Intensity can be controlled with a flick of the wrist via remote.
100% waterproof, suitable for bath and shower use.
Designed for Couples. Enhances sensations during partnered sex.
135 For Couple Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

Tryst Multi Erogenous Zone Vibrator
$139 at Good Vibes
Allows for a wide range of uses, limited only by your imagination.
Accommodates both couples and solo play.
Designed for both internal insertion and external stimulation.
Features 3 powerful, quiet motors with 7 functions each for varied experiences.
Designed for maximum comfort during use.
SComes with a black satin storage pouch for discreet storage.
Conveniently rechargeable via USB for continued use.
139 For Couple Penis Toy

$139 at Osuga
Includes a panty vibrator, penis ring, remote control, and sex card game.
Wearable vibrator offers both clitoral and G-spot stimulation.
8 vibration patterns for the panty vibrator and 6 for the penis ring.
Made of medical-grade silicone.
Penis ring can be worn in two different ways.
Sex card game includes 17 cards with different erotic commands.
Waterproof. IPX7 rating allows for use in various settings.
Low-battery warning and travel lock.
139 For Couple Clit Stimulation, Penis Toy, Vibrator

Dame Eva
$140 at Dame
Allows for a hands-free experience, enabling focus on the massage and the present moment.
Designed for a snug fit that can be easily adjusted, offering three intensity levels for personalized pleasure.
Suitable for various uses, either for individual hands-free stimulation or as a couple’s massager.
Fully submersible design, lighter and smaller than its predecessor, with a strong and quiet motor.
Designed in Dame Labs with doctor-approved materials, ensuring safety and quality.
Comes with a 3-year warranty and hassle-free returns, providing long-term reliability.
Sometimes the fit and feel are different for people.
140 For Her Clit Stimulation

Magic Wand Rechargeable Cordless Vibrator
$149.99 at
Extremely powerful for clitoral stimulation, with 4 intensity settings & 4 vibration patterns
Easy-to-clean silicone head feels comfortable against body
Can be used to stimulate other body parts, or as a whole-body massager, with many optional attachments
Quieter and more discreet than the original model
Long-lasting rechargeable battery, allows both cordless and plugged-in use
Built-to-last, can handle frequent use with ease
It’s on the larger side; may present challenges for certain positions
Splash-resistant, not fully waterproof
Control panel may not be the most intuitive, you may accidentally press buttons during use
You may find it not as attractive or sleek as other models
149 For Her Vibrator

$172 at
Open-Interface Performance Console. Provides a game-changing software development kit for customization.
Wider Range of Sonic Intensities. Offers an increased range of intensities for a more exhilarating experience.
Allows for device connection and personalized settings via the F1S app.
Responsive Sensors gives performance feedback on speed, stamina, and skill for a more interactive experience.
100% Waterproof. Fully waterproof design allows for use in the bath and shower.
Made from premium silicone that feels warm to the touch for enhanced comfort.
172 For Him Masturbator

Womanizer x Lovehoney Advent Calendar
$199 at Womanizer
Offers a wide range of toys including vibrators, tie-and-tease items, masturbators, and massagers.
Contents worth over £425, providing excellent value for money.
Features the Womanizer Classic 2 clitoral suction vibe worth £119.99.
Comes with instructions on how to use each toy, making it beginner-friendly.
Designed to provide ongoing pleasure and exploration beyond the holiday season.
Specifically curated to enhance pleasure and intimacy for couples.
Makes for a unique and exciting gift that keeps on giving.
199 For Couple Bondage, Vibrator, Clit Stimulation, Prostate Massager, Penis Toy

We-Vibe Chorus
$209 at We-Vibe
Internal arm targets the penis and G-spot, while external arm teases the clitoris.
Choose from 3 speeds, 7 patterns, or use the squeeze remote for customized stimulation.
We-Vibe app integration. Connect with your partner from anywhere in the world using the app.
The app offers multi vibe, multi toy, content cards, feedback function, tutorial mode, and PIN.
Fully waterproof with an ultra-discreet charging dock.
Some users experienced finicky connections, especially with remote or long-distance features.
209 For Couple Vibrator, Clit Stimulation

EasyLive NO8 智能飞机杯
$273 at 9Rabbit
273 For Him Masturbator

日本NPG极上吮吸扭动生腰名器 – 北野未奈
$402 at 9Rabbit
402 For Him Masturbator

Any thoughts? Let us know!

Derek Yang

I’m an immigrant living with my family in a small town on the East Coast. I love classical music, enjoy a good cup of coffee, and have a soft spot for BMWs. I believe in lifelong learning and look forward to connecting with you to share our life experiences. Twitter @mrderekyang.

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