如何使用 ChatGPT 幫助你提高英語水平

Matheus Bertelli / Pexels


你正在學習外語嗎? ChatGPT(雞婆弟)在你的學習過程中,可以成為你的專屬家教,隨時隨地做你的對話夥伴、語法和文化顧問、詞彙教練以及練習聽力和閱讀的輔助工具。注意,ChatGPT 只是一個輔助工具,有時它可能會誤解、犯錯或自作聰明,你可以把它當作一個重要的助手,但你不能完全依賴它。

本文將以學習英語為例,分享如何利用 ChatGPT 來加強你聽說讀寫的能力。同樣的思路也可以用於學習其他語種,比如法語、西班牙語、德語、希臘語、日語、韓語等。不過,對於一些小語種,ChatGPT 的能力可能不如英語那麼強。


ChatGPT 目前有免費版 GPT-3.5 模型 及付費版的 ChatGPT Plus($20/月)。免費版不顯示模型,登入後直接在底部的對話框裡(Send a message)開始。

付費版默認為 GPT-3.5,增加了 GPT-4 模型,並在 GPT-4 底下提供原始(Default)、搜尋(Browse with Bing)及插件(Plugins)三種模型:

  • 搜尋模型可以幫你在 Bing 上面搜尋讀取各大網站最新的資料並彙總整理,彌補 ChatGPT 只有 2021 年 9 月以前資料的不足。
  • 插件模型可以選擇最多 3 個插件,做出更全面的回答、或增加學習樂趣。

建議選擇付費版的 ChatGPT Plus,因為 GPT-4 比 GPT-3.5 能力更強(點擊這裡可以看到它們參加各項考試的結果)、更可靠、有更好的響應速度、更高的穩定性、創造力及更深更廣的信息資料,並且能更早使用新的功能。

即使只用默認的 GPT-3.5,付費用戶的穩定性也比免費用戶強(我以前用免費賬戶的時候,等待時間明顯要長,甚至常常報錯)。另外注意,付費用戶雖然可以用 GPT-4,但目前有每 3 個小時只能返回 25 條信息的限制。

要使用付費版的搜尋和插件模型,首先在免費版左下方點擊 Upgrade to Plus 升級,然後點擊左下方你 email 右方三個點,到 Settings 打開模型,就會如上圖出現在 GPT-4 下方了。

順帶一提,如果你想把背景像我一樣設置成深色,到 Settings – General – Theme – System 下方,選擇 Dark 即可。

插件目前有近百種且還在不斷增加,由第三方應用程序提供,不受 OpenAI 控制。要使用插件,需要安裝,首先選擇插件模型(Plugins),進入 Plugin Store,看到想要的插件點擊 Install 安裝,或者在搜尋列找到你想要的插件安裝。

安裝好就會出現在插件模型下面,點選你要使用的插件即可開始對話。開始對話後如果要使用其它插件,就需要建立新的 New chat 。

不同模型不能同時使用,登入 ChatGPT 之後,建立 New chat,然後選擇模型開始進行對話,選擇的模型會顯示在熒幕上方。

下面是使用免費版和付費版各個模型問同樣問題得到的答案。如果你想嘗試一下這些指令 (prompts),可點擊對話右側的圖標複製。

「好爽」用英文可以翻譯為 “It feels great” 或者 “It’s so satisfying” 。
「好爽」可以用英文表述為 “It feels great” 或者 “It’s so enjoyable!”
付費版 GPT-3.5 模型
「好爽」在英文中可以翻譯為 “So cool!” 或者 “So awesome!” 或 “So refreshing!” 不過請注意,這個翻譯並非直接的翻譯,而是根據上下文環境所得出的理解。因為「爽」在中文中的含義可能取決於所處的具體上下文。
付費版 GPT-4 Default 模型

付費版 GPT-4 的搜尋 Browse with Bing (Web Browsing) 模型:


The Chinese phrase “ 好爽” can be translated into English in several ways, depending on the context. Here are some possibilities:

1. Awesome
2. Sweet
3. Feel great
4. Feel like a million bucks

這些表達方式都能捕捉到” 好爽” 的快樂、滿足的感覺。例如,當你在學校再次名列第一,你可能會說 “Sweet!” 或 “Awesome!” 。當有人告訴你她喜歡你,你可能會感到”ecstatic”(狂喜的)或感覺像”feel like a million bucks”(感覺極好)1 。

Keep in mind that expressions can vary greatly depending on context and the specific feeling you want to convey.
付費版 GPT-4 Web Browsing 模型

付費版 GPT-4 的插件 Plugins 模型:

這裡我選了 “Speak” 插件,它除了解答還提供了對話例句。 Speak 是一款語言學習家教插件,會考慮到用戶問題中的任何額外上下文,如語氣、場景、情境、說話風格和正式程度、用法註釋或其他,以提供最準確和有用的答案。這個插件雖然叫 “Speak”,但它並不會發聲說話,下面在聽說的部分會介紹如何讓 ChatGPT 發聲說話。

「好爽」在英文中可以翻譯為 “That feels amazing”,這是非常非正式或俚語的表達方式。這個表達常用語描述物理感覺或愉快的體驗。


1. “That feels so good!” (非正式 – 常用於描述物理感覺或愉快的體驗)
2. “This is amazing!” (非正式 – 可用語描述任何積極的情況或體驗)
3. “This is awesome!” (比 “amazing” 更強調,可用於各種情景)


Mia 正在享受足部按摩,她無法停止對它的讚美。

Mia: “Oh my god, this is amazing, I never want it to end!”
Sarah: “I know, right? I feel like I’m walking on clouds now.”
Mia: “I swear, I would live like this forever.”
付費版 GPT-4 Plugins 模型 + “Speak” 插件

那 Plugins 有沒有可以上網搜尋的插件,可以和 Speak 同時使用的呢?答案是有的,比如 Metaphor 、 KeyMate.AI Search 、 edX 、 TotalQuery Search 等,有些會要求你取得一次性代碼(one-time code)認證後才能使用。

要讓 ChatGPT 上網搜尋,還有瀏覽器外掛, 比如 WebChatGPT,它可以安裝在 Chrome 、 Brave 、 Edge 等瀏覽器上面,使用 ChatGPT 時,它會在下方出現功能選項讓你選擇使用。而且這個外掛在免費版也可以用。



1. It’s fantastic.
2. It’s amazing.
3. It’s delightful.
4. It’s exhilarating.
5. It’s blissful.
6. It’s enjoyable.
7. It’s pleasurable.
8. It’s euphoric.
9. It’s refreshing.
10. It’s thrilling.

A: I just had an intense basketball game, and it felt amazing!

B: Really? How did it feel?

A: It was fantastic! It was so exhilarating.

B: So, did you feel fulfilled?

A: Absolutely! There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of playing basketball.

B: I enjoy sports too. Every time I conquer a challenge, it brings me immense pleasure.

A: Exactly! That feeling of triumph is truly indescribable.

Please note that the above dialogue is for reference purposes, and the specific conversation may vary depending on the context, personal style, and situation.

下面分享使用 ChatGPT 學習英語的一些方法。我以付費版為例,有些使用了插件,你可以自行用同樣的問題問免費版,這樣你就能看到兩個版本回答的差別,再選擇要不要升級。


一、要求它列出特定範圍的單字,比如動物園裡的動物、餐具、衣物、和房子有關的單字、交通工具、常用初級英語 1000 字及例句等等。比如我讓 ChatGPT 列出點餐時常用的 10 個英文單詞、中文翻譯、英文例句及其翻譯,以 4 欄表格列出,下面是她的回答。

Menu菜單Can I have a menu, please?我可以要一份菜單嗎?
Order點餐I would like to place an order.我想要點餐。
Appetizer開胃菜We’ll start with some appetizers.我們先來些開胃菜。
Main course主菜What are the main course options?主菜有哪些選擇?
Dessert甜點I’ll have the chocolate cake for dessert.我會點巧克力蛋糕作為甜點。
Beverage飲料Can I get a refill on my beverage?我能再來一杯飲料嗎?
Special特色菜What are today’s specials?今天有什麼特色菜?
Vegetarian素食Do you have any vegetarian options?有素食選擇嗎?
Bill帳單Could we have the bill, please?請給我們帳單。
Tip小費How much should I leave for a tip?小費應該留多少?

當然你可以設定更加具體的情境,比如說去星巴克、 Burger King 或意大利面餐廳、或牛排店,常用的詞彙將很不同。下面是我讓 ChatGPT 提供去星巴克點單 20 個常用詞彙及例句的結果。

Coffee咖啡I would like a cup of coffee, please.請給我一杯咖啡。
Espresso濃縮咖啡Can I have an espresso to go?我可以要一杯外帶濃縮咖啡嗎?
Latte拿鐵咖啡I’ll have a vanilla latte, please.我要一杯香草拿鐵咖啡。
Cappuccino卡布奇諾咖啡Do you serve decaf cappuccinos?你們有無咖啡因的卡布奇諾嗎?
Mocha摩卡咖啡May I have a small mocha with extra whipped cream?我可以要一杯加額外奶泡的小杯摩卡嗎?
Frappuccino星冰樂I’d like a caramel frappuccino, please.請給我一杯焦糖星冰樂。
TeaCould I get a green tea, please?請給我一杯綠茶。
Iced冰的Can I have an iced coffee, please?請給我一杯冰咖啡。
Hot熱的I’d like a hot chocolate, please.請給我一杯熱巧克力。
Decaf無咖啡因Do you have decaf options?你們有無咖啡因的選擇嗎?
Size大小What size would you like?您要什麼尺寸?
Tall中杯I’ll take a tall latte, please.請給我一杯中杯拿鐵。
Grande大杯Can I have a grande iced tea?我可以要一杯大杯冰茶嗎?
Venti超大杯I’d like a venti caramel macchiato, please.請給我一杯超大杯焦糖瑪奇朵。
Flavor口味What flavor syrup would you like?您想要什麼口味的糖漿?
Sweet甜的Could you make it extra sweet, please?可以請你做得更甜一些嗎?
Milk牛奶I prefer almond milk in my latte.我喜歡在我的拿鐵裡加杏仁奶。
SugarCan I have two packets of sugar, please?請給我兩包糖。
Whipped cream奶泡Could you add some whipped cream on top?你能在上面加一些奶泡嗎?
To go外帶Can you make that to go, please?請做成外帶的,好嗎?

如果你要跟同事或朋友看足球比賽,但是自己對足球了解不多,或者雖然以前也看足球,但都是用中文,不知道英文怎麼說,可以讓 ChatPGT 幫你準備。

請列出看足球時常用的 10 個英文單詞,並提供中文翻譯、英文例句及其翻譯,以及必要的解釋。
以下是看足球時常用的 10 個英文單詞及其相關信息:

1. Goal(進球)

Example sentence: The striker scored a brilliant goal in the last minute of the match.(那名前鋒在比賽的最後一分鐘打進了一個精彩的進球。)

Explanation: “Goal” refers to when a team successfully scores a point by getting the ball into the opponent’s net.

2. Penalty(點球)

Example sentence: The referee awarded a penalty to the opposing team after a foul in the penalty area.(在禁區內犯規後,裁判判給了對方球隊一個點球。)

Explanation: “Penalty” is a situation where a player is given a direct shot on the opposing team’s goal from a designated spot, typically resulting from a serious foul or handball.

3. Offside(越位)

Example sentence: The linesman raised the flag to signal that the forward was in an offside position.(邊裁舉起了旗幟,表示前鋒處於越位位置。)

Explanation: “Offside” occurs when an attacking player is nearer to the opponent’s goal line than both the ball and the second-to-last defender when the ball is played to them.

4. Corner(角球)

Example sentence: The team won a corner kick after the ball went out of play off an opposing player.(球出界後,對方球員出界,該隊獲得了一個角球。)

Explanation: “Corner” refers to a set-piece where the attacking team is awarded a kick from the corner arc, usually after the ball goes out of play over the goal line, having been last touched by a defending player.

5. Yellow card(黄牌)

Example sentence: The referee cautioned the player with a yellow card for a reckless tackle.(裁判對那名球員的粗暴犯規出示了一張黃牌。)

Explanation: A “yellow card” is a cautionary card shown by the referee to a player for committing a misconduct. It serves as a warning, and if a player receives multiple yellow cards in a match, they may be sent off with a red card.

6. Red card(紅牌)

Example sentence: The defender was sent off with a red card for deliberately handling the ball inside the penalty area.(由於在禁區內故意手球,那名後衛被紅牌罰下。)

Explanation: A “red card” is shown by the referee to a player for committing a serious offense or accumulating two yellow cards. A red card results in the player being sent off the field, and the team must continue with one player less.

7. Injury time(補時)
Example sentence: The referee added three minutes of injury time at the end of the second half.(裁判在下半場末加時三分鐘。)

Explanation: “Injury time,” also known as stoppage time or added time, is additional time added to the end of each half of a football match to compensate for time lost due to substitutions, injuries, or other stoppages.

8. Substitution(换人)

Example sentence: The coach made a tactical substitution, bringing in a fresh striker to replace a tired midfielder.(教練進行了一次戰術換人,讓一名新鮮的前鋒替換了一名疲憊的中場球員。)

Explanation: “Substitution” refers to the act of replacing one player with another during a match. Each team is typically allowed a limited number of substitutions to refresh the team or adjust tactics.

9. Tackle(搶斷)
Example sentence: The defender executed a perfectly timed tackle to win the ball back from the opposing forward.(那名後衛進行了一個完美的時機搶斷,從對方前鋒手中奪回了球。)

Explanation: “Tackle” is the action of dispossessing an opponent of the ball by cleanly and legally intercepting it while avoiding a foul.

10. Referee(裁判)
Example sentence: The referee blew the whistle to signal the end of the match.(裁判吹響哨子,表示比賽結束。)

Explanation: The “referee” is the official in charge of enforcing the rules of the game, making decisions, and maintaining order on the field. They have the authority to award fouls, penalties, and cards, as well as to stop or restart the game.

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

我家孩子有參加棒球隊,但是我並不懂棒球,也可以讓 ChatGPT 幫我補習。

列出看棒球比賽時常用的 10 個英文單詞,並提供中文翻譯、英文例句及其翻譯,以及必要的解釋。
以下是看棒球時常用的 10 個英文單詞及其相關資訊:

1. Ball(壞球)

範例句子: The pitcher threw a ball, it was outside of the strike zone.(投手投出一個壞球,這個球超出了好球區。)

解釋:在棒球比賽中,”Ball” 指的是投手投出的球沒有進入被裁判認定的好球區,如果擊球手選擇不揮棒,那麼裁判會判定為壞球。當一個投手在一個擊球手的打席中投出四個壞球時,擊球手將被授予一個” 保送”,允許他自由地走向一壘。

2. Strike(好球)

範例句子: The batter swung at the pitch but missed, causing the umpire to call a strike.(擊球手揮棒想打那個球,但是沒打到,導致裁判員判定為好球。)

解釋: “Strike” 是指裁判判定的在好球區內的球,或者擊球手揮棒沒打到的球。

3. Out(出局)

範例句子: The runner was tagged out before he could reach the base.(跑壘員在能觸碰到壘包之前被判出局。)

解釋: “Out” 指的是一個跑壘員在嘗試取得壘包時被防守方成功阻止。

4. Home run(全壘打)
範例句子: The batter hit a massive home run into the bleachers.(擊球手打出一記巨大的全壘打,直飛看台。)

解釋: “Home run” 是指擊球手成功擊球並使球直接飛出場地,他可以自由跑過所有壘包而不會被防守方挑戰。

5. Bat(球棒)

範例句子: He picked up his bat and walked to the plate.(他拿起球棒,走到本壘板。)

解釋: “Bat” 是指擊球手用來打球的器具。棒球規則規定了球棒的尺寸和重量。

6. Inning(局)

範例句子: At the end of the third inning, the score was tied at 2-2.(到了第三局結束時,比分是 2-2 平。)

解釋: “Inning” 是指棒球比賽的一個單位,一個局包括上半局和下半局,每隊在上半局或下半局攻擊。

7. Catch(接球)

範例句子: The outfielder made a spectacular catch to end the inning.(外野手進行了一次驚人的接球以結束這一局。)

解釋: “Catch” 是指球員成功接住擊球手擊出的飛球。

8. Pitch(投球)

範例句子: The pitcher made an excellent pitch, completely fooling the batter.(投手投出了一個絕妙的球,完全騙過了擊球手。)

解釋: “Pitch” 指的是投手投出的球。棒球中有各種不同類型的投球,如快球、曲球、變速球等。

9. Foul ball(犯規球)

範例句子: The batter hit a foul ball into the stands.(擊球手打出一個犯規球飛到看台上。)

解釋: “Foul ball” 是指擊球手打出的飛球落點在兩條犯規線之外的球。

10. Umpire(裁判)

範例句子: The umpire called the pitch a strike, much to the batter’s disagreement.(裁判判定這個球為好球,擊球手對此表示不同意。)

解釋: “Umpire” 是指負責監管棒球比賽和判決的官方。他們的決定在大多數情況下是最終的

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)


我一會要去理髮店,請列舉在理髮店常用的 20 個英文詞彙,並提供例句和中文翻譯。
以下是在理髮店中常用的 20 個英文詞彙,附帶例句和中文翻譯:

1. Barber – The barber will give you a stylish haircut.
理髮師 – 理髮師會為您修剪時尚的髮型。

2. Haircut – I want a short haircut with layers.
理髮 – 我想要一個帶有層次感的短髮。

3. Stylist – The stylist will help you choose a suitable hairstyle.
髮型師 – 髮型師會幫助您選擇適合的髮型。

4. Scissors – The barber used sharp scissors to trim my hair.
剪刀 – 理髮師用鋒利的剪刀修剪我的頭髮。

5. Comb – The barber used a comb to detangle my hair.
梳子 – 理髮師用梳子梳理我的頭髮。

6. Clipper – The barber used clippers to give me a buzz cut.
電推剪 – 理髮師用電推剪給我修剪寸頭。

7. Razor – The barber used a razor to shave the back of my neck.
剃刀 – 理髮師用剃刀剃我脖子後面的頭髮。

8. Shampoo – The hairstylist will shampoo your hair before the haircut.
洗髮 – 髮型師會在理髮前給您洗髮。

9. Conditioner – After shampooing, the hairstylist will apply conditioner to your hair.
護髮素 – 洗髮後,髮型師會給您的頭髮抹護髮素。

10. Blow-dry – The stylist will blow-dry your hair to give it volume.
吹風 – 髮型師會給您吹風,使頭髮更有蓬鬆感。

11. Trimmer – The barber used a trimmer to clean up my sideburns.
修邊器 – 理髮師用修邊器清理我的鬢角。

12. Barber cape – Please wear the barber cape to protect your clothes from hair clippings.
理髮圍布 – 請穿上理髮圍布,以防止頭髮剪掉後弄髒衣服。

13. Styling gel – The stylist used some styling gel to keep my hair in place.
髮膠 – 髮型師用一些髮膠讓我的頭髮保持定型。

14. Hair spray – The hairstylist sprayed some hair spray to hold the hairstyle.
髮膠 – 髮型師噴了些髮膠來保持髮型。

15. Thinning shears – The hairstylist used thinning shears to remove bulk from my hair.
瘦剪 – 髮型師用瘦剪去掉我頭髮的過多部分。

16. Hairline – The barber paid attention to shaping my hairline.
髮際線 – 理髮師注意修整我的髮際線。

17. Bangs – I want to get bangs, so please trim them accordingly.
劉海 – 我想修剪劉海,所以請根據需求修剪。

18. Perm – I’m considering getting a perm to add curls to my hair.
燙髮 – 我在考慮要燙髮,給頭髮加點捲曲。

19. Highlights – I want to add some blonde highlights to my hair.
高光 – 我想給頭髮添加一些金色的高光。

20. Neck strip – The barber placed a neck strip around my neck to protect me from loose hair.
頸紙 – 理髮師在我脖子上圍上頸紙,以防鬆散的頭髮掉到身上。

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

二、問 ChatGPT 不懂的單字/詞彙,提供該字詞的所有用法、例句、對話等。

“Deficit” 是何意?請提供所有用法、英文例句和對話。
“Deficit” 是一個名詞,用來描述某物或某種情況的不足或缺陷。它可以指財政赤字、能力不足、短缺或不足之處等。下面是一些關於 “deficit” 的用法、英文例句和對話:

1. 財政赤字(Financial Deficit):

The government is facing a huge budget deficit this year.(政府今年面臨著巨大的財政赤字。)

The country’s deficit has been increasing steadily over the past few years.(該國的赤字在過去幾年裡穩步增加。)

2. 能力不足(Skill Deficit):

The company is struggling to find qualified candidates due to a skills deficit in the job market.(由於就業市場中存在技能不足,該公司很難找到合格的候選人。)

The education system needs to address the skills deficit among graduates.(教育體系需要解決畢業生的技能不足問題。)

3. 短缺(Shortage Deficit):

There is a deficit of affordable housing in this city.(這個城市缺乏經濟適用房。)

The deficit of clean water is a major concern in many developing countries.(許多發展中國家對清潔水資源的不足非常關注。)

以下是一個關於 “deficit” 的對話示例:

A: Have you heard about the education budget cuts?(你聽說過教育預算削減的事情嗎?)

B: Yes, I heard that the government is facing a huge deficit and they had to make some tough decisions.(是的,我聽說政府面臨巨大的財政赤字,所以他們不得不做出一些艱難的決定。)

A: It’s really concerning, especially considering the already existing skills deficit among graduates.(這真的令人擔憂,特別是考慮到已經存在的畢業生技能不足問題。)

B: Absolutely. The lack of investment in education will only worsen the deficit in skilled workers.(確實如此。對教育的缺乏投資只會加劇技術工人的不足問題。)
Model: Default (GPT-3.5)


請提供”deficit” 的字根、字源、同義詞、反義詞以及比較和 “lack” 有何不同。
“Deficit” 的字根是拉丁詞根 “deficere”,意為 “ 不足” 或 “ 缺乏” 。它源自於拉丁動詞 “deficere”,由 “de-“(意為 “ 缺乏”)和 “facere”(意為 “ 做”)組成,字面意思為 “ 做不足” 。

以下是一些與 “deficit” 相關的同義詞和反義詞:


– Shortfall(不足)
– Shortage(短缺)
– Insufficiency(不足)
– Deficiency(缺乏)
– Inadequacy(不足)


– Surplus(盈餘)
– Excess(過剩)
– Abundance(充裕)
– Ample(充足)
– Sufficient(足夠)

與 “lack” 相比,”deficit” 強調的是某種不足或缺陷的狀態,而 “lack” 則側重於描述缺乏或不具備某種特定的事物或品質。 “Deficit” 指的是在某個領域或方面的不足,通常與數量、能力或資源等相關。另一方面,”lack” 更廣泛地表示缺乏或沒有某樣東西。


There is a deficit of skilled workers in the IT industry.(IT 行業缺乏熟練工人。)

There is a lack of opportunities for career advancement in this company.(這家公司缺乏職業發展的機會。)

在這兩個例子中,”deficit” 強調了某個特定領域的不足,而 “lack” 則指涉到了一般性的缺乏或不足。
“Deficit” 和 “lack” 在使用場景上有一些不同之處。下面是它們的一些常見使用場景和區別:

1. “Deficit” 的使用場景:




2. “Lack” 的使用場景:




總體而言,”deficit” 更常用於描述數量、財務、技能或資源的不足,而 “lack” 更廣泛地用於描述物質、抽象概念或品質的缺乏。但它們在某些情況下可以有一定的重疊和交替使用,具體取決於語境和所要表達的含義。
為何 deficit 是有 de- 和 facere 兩個詞根組合而成,而不是 de 和 ficere?
對不起,我之前給出的信息有誤。實際上,”deficit” 這個詞並不是由 “de-” 和 “facere” 兩個詞根組合而成。

正確的詞源是來自拉丁詞 “deficere”,它由 “de-“(意為 “ 向下” 、 “ 完全” 或 “ 不”)和 “facere”(意為 “ 做”)組成,因此 “deficere” 的字面意思是 “ 做不完全” 或 “ 不足” 。而 “deficit” 則是從 “deficere” 派生出來的名詞形式,表示某種不足或缺陷。

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

請注意,ChatGPT 也會提供錯誤的信息,尤其是在它不擅長的領域,比如時事、事實等。在解釋 “deficit” 的詞源時,ChatGPT 也會給出不同的答案(參見我上面和下面分別用 GPT-3.5 和 GPT-4 給出的答案)。從我的經驗來看,在日常對話等語料更豐富的應用場景,ChatGPT 的準確性會高很多。

請提供”deficit” 的字根、字源、同義詞、反義詞以及比較和 “lack” 有何不同。
“Deficit” 是一個英文詞,以下是相關的詞根、字源、同義詞、反義詞的詳細信息。

字根:Deficit 源自拉丁語詞根 “deficere”,意思是 “ 缺乏” 。

字源:Deficit 詞首次出現在英語中是在 1782 年,從法語 “déficit” 中直接借用而來,而法語則源自拉丁語 “deficit”,表示 “it is lacking” 。在拉丁語中,”deficere” 是一個動詞,意為 “ 失敗,不足,缺失” 。

同義詞:Shortage,shortfall,lack,scarcity,dearth 。

反義詞:Surplus,excess,abundance 。

“Deficit” 與 “lack” 的區別:

這兩個詞都指某樣東西的缺乏或不足。但是,”deficit” 經常用於經濟或財政的語境中,通常指收入低於開支的情況。例如,當一個國家的支出超過其稅收收入時,我們就會說這個國家有財政赤字(fiscal deficit)。

而 “lack” 是一個更通用的詞,可以用於各種不同的語境中,用來描述任何形式的缺乏或不足,不論是物質(例如水、食物等)還是非物質的(例如時間、技能等)。例如,我們可以說一個人缺乏經驗(lack of experience),或者一個地方缺乏食物(lack of food)。

Model: GPT-4



一、用英語和 ChatGPT 進行日常對話閒聊(可說話或打字)、表達想法或感受。聽說的部分我們要用到能讓 ChatGPT 發聲說話的瀏覽器外掛(可以在免費版使用): Talk-to-ChatGPT Voice Control for ChatGPT ,這兩個插件都可以調整語速及挑選不同口音。

下面的影片示範了使用 Talk-to-ChatGPT 和 ChatGPT 語音閒聊,甚至教你使用 ElevenLabs 跟你自己的聲音對話。這個插件安裝好後會出現在右上角,點擊 START 你就可以和 ChatGPT 進行語音對話。不過有時你說話還沒結束,只是在想怎麼說或稍微停頓,它便自動送出了,因此它可能適合說話較流利的人。

二、假設一個場景,比如餐廳點餐、公司面試、同事討論特定工作項目、機場海關等,讓 ChatGPT 在該場景和你扮演特定角色進行對話。

下面的影片除了教你如何安裝外掛,同時示範了使用 Voice Control for ChatGPT 假設在書店的場景、讓它扮演書店店員進行對話。這個插件安裝好後會出現在熒幕下方,每次說話都要先點麥克風,說完再點一次送出,因此可能適合說話會停頓或需要想的人。


請提供一段電影”Finding Nemo” 的英語經典對話並在每一句後面提供中文翻譯,必要的時候用中文解釋和分析。
以下是電影《海底奇兵》(Finding Nemo)中的一些經典對話,附有中文翻譯:

Marlin: “I promised I’d never let anything happen to him.” (Marlin:「我曾發誓決不讓任何事發生在他身上。」) 這句話表達了 Marlin 對兒子 Nemo 的保護慾望和責任感。

Dory: “Just keep swimming.” (Dory:「繼續遊下去。」) 這是 Dory 的口頭禪,鼓勵 Marlin 堅持下去,不要放棄。

Marlin: “You think you can do these things, but you just can’t, Nemo!” (Marlin:「你以為你可以做這些事情,但你做不到,Nemo!」) Marlin 對 Nemo 的過度保護導致他質疑兒子的能力和勇氣。

Dory: “When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming!” (Dory:「當生活讓你沮喪時,你知道該做什麼嗎?繼續遊下去!」) DOry 通過這句話再次強調堅持的重要性,無論遇到困難,都要繼續前進。

Crush: “Duuude, you gotta just let go! Everything’s gonna be all right.” (Crush:「兄弟,你必須放手!一切都會好的。」) Crush 是一隻海龜,他告訴 Marlin 要釋放控制和擔憂,相信一切都會好起來。

Nemo: “I’m not a fish. I’m a boy!” (Nemo:「我不是魚。我是個男孩!」) Nemo 想證明自己的能力和身份,不願被定義為一個弱小的魚。

Marlin: “I have to get out of here. I have to find my son.” (Marlin:「我必須離開這裡。我必須找到我的兒子。」) Marlin 發誓要離開安全的環境去找 Nemo ,這顯示了他作為父親的決心和堅持。

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)


Of course! I’d be happy to help you improve your English skills. Here’s a question for you:

“What are some popular tourist attractions in your country, and why do people visit them?”
Great wall of china. It’s made thousand years ago, it’s very long. People say you can see it from space.
That’s a good answer! Just a few small corrections:

“The Great Wall of China was built thousands of years ago, and it stretches for a very long distance. Some people believe that it can be seen from space.”

Well done! Keep up the good work! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

對話時注意 ChatGPT 的回答,學習它的用詞和語法,以此來提高聽力、口語、閱讀及寫作能力。你還可以讓它扮演角色,或者聊特定的話題。在下面的這個例子中(我嘗試了很多不同的 prompts, 這是效果比較好的一個),我讓 ChatGPT 扮演一位熱心的美國朋友來幫我提高英語水平,我故意犯了一些常見的錯誤,看她是否會幫我糾正。

請扮演一位熱心的美國姑娘,你的名字叫 Jane 。你今天的任務是幫助我提高我的英語水平。





如果你理解了所有的要求,請回答:”I understand. My mission today is to help you improve your English and I will try my best to help. And I’m Jane now.”
I understand. My mission today is to help you improve your English and I will try my best to help. And I’m Jane now.
Hi there! How’s the weather today?
it’s raining a few days. can’t go out. stay at home, watching movie and playing piano.
It has been raining for a few days, so you can’t go out. That’s a great opportunity to stay at home and enjoy indoor activities like watching movies and playing the piano.


“It has been raining for a few days, so I can’t go out. I’m staying at home, watching movies, and playing the piano.”


“It has been raining for a few days, preventing me from going out. However, I’m making the most of my time at home by watching movies and playing the piano.”

Great job! It’s good to engage in indoor activities during bad weather. By the way, what kind of movies do you enjoy watching? Do you have any favorite genres or actors/actresses?
I like true crime movies. they are intense. sometimes horrify but fascinated. do you know any good true crime movies?
I understand. True crime movies can be intense and fascinating. There are several great true crime movies that you might enjoy. Here are a few recommendations:

“Zodiac” (2007) – Directed by David Fincher, this movie is based on the true story of the Zodiac Killer who terrorized the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

“Memories of Murder” (2003) – A South Korean film directed by Bong Joon-ho, it is based on the true story of the first serial murders in South Korea.

“Monster” (2003) – This film stars Charlize Theron and is based on the true story of Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute turned serial killer.

Remember to use present tense when discussing movies, as they are always available for viewing.


“I like true crime movies. They are intense and sometimes horrifying, but they fascinate me. Do you know any good true crime movies?”

Great job expressing your interest in true crime movies! Is there a particular true crime case that intrigues you, or do you have any other favorite movie genres?
I watch the zodiac movie many times la! Also read many reports. They didn’t solve it eventually, right?
That’s great to hear that you’ve watched the Zodiac movie multiple times and read many reports about the case. The Zodiac Killer case remains unsolved to this day. Despite extensive investigations and numerous suspects, the identity of the killer has never been definitively determined. The case continues to captivate people’s interest and remains one of the most notorious unsolved mysteries in American history.

Correction: “I have watched the Zodiac movie many times and have also read many reports about it. They didn’t solve the case in the end, right?”

It’s interesting to delve into unsolved mysteries like the Zodiac case. Is there any other true crime case that you find particularly intriguing or have studied extensively?
Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

當然,你也可以跟她聊一些更嚴肅的話題,比如 #metoo 。

請扮演一個美國的英語教師和好朋友,請用英文與我聊天,幫助我提高英語水平。我會用英語回答,請糾正我的錯誤,並改善我的回答,使其更符合美國人的習慣。我們可以從如今很多人在討論的 metoo 話題開始,請向我問一個問題。
Sure, I’d be happy to play the role of an American English teacher and friend. Let’s start with a question related to the widely discussed topic of #MeToo.

Question: What are your thoughts on the impact of the #MeToo movement on society?

Please provide your answer in English, and I’ll be glad to help you improve it and make it more in line with American English conventions.
I think it revealed an ugly part of the world that has long been unseen.
Great start! Here’s a slightly revised version:

“I believe the #MeToo movement has brought to light a disturbing aspect of society that remained hidden for a long time.”

Remember to capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence, and avoid ending with “unseen” as it might sound incomplete. Instead, consider using “hidden” to convey the idea of something being concealed.
Certainly! Let’s continue the conversation.

Question: How do you think the #MeToo movement has impacted the way people view and discuss issues of sexual harassment and assault?

Feel free to share your thoughts, and I’ll be here to provide feedback and suggestions to help you improve your English.
Model: Default (GPT-3.5)


一、要求 ChatGPT 解釋比較難的句子/文章或讓它以較簡單的方式改寫,這可以幫助提高閱讀理解能力,同時學習用簡單的方式,去解釋複雜的事情,ChatGPT 的回答也可以作為閱讀材料。若想要問近兩年的東西,除了將句子/文章貼在 ChatGPT 信息列上要求它解釋/翻譯,也可以使用搜尋模型,比如下面這個示例。

Here are the English headlines with explanations, simplified versions, and their Chinese translations:

1. Headline: “Threatening letters containing suspicious substances sent to Tennessee Republican lawmakers under FBI investigation”【7†source】.

Explanation: The FBI is investigating incidents where Republican lawmakers in Tennessee received letters that contain potentially harmful substances.

Simplified Version: The FBI is checking scary letters with unknown stuff sent to Tennessee’s Republican lawmakers.

Chinese Translation: 田納西州的共和黨立法者收到含有可疑物質的威脅信件,現正在接受聯邦調查局的調查。

2. Headline: “Georgia police department under investigation for allegedly using an image of a Black man as a shooting target during a safety class”【8†source】.

Explanation: A police department in Georgia is being investigated because they supposedly used a picture of a Black man for target practice in a safety training class.

Simplified Version: A Georgia police department is under check for reportedly using a Black man’s picture as a shooting target in safety class.

Chinese Translation: 喬治亞州的一個警察部門被指在安全課程中使用一名黑人男子的圖片作為射擊目標,目前正在接受調查。

3. Headline: “Scot Peterson defense attorney says school shooting was chaotic, confusing; defense to rest Monday”【9†source】.

Explanation: The defense lawyer for Scot Peterson has stated that the school shooting incident was confusing and chaotic. The defense team will stop presenting their case on Monday.

Simplified Version: Scot Peterson’s lawyer says the school shooting was messy and hard to understand; his defense will stop on Monday.

Chinese Translation: 斯科特·彼得森的辯護律師表示,學校槍擊事件混亂且令人困惑;辯護團隊將在周一休息。

4. Headline: “This year’s Nashville Pride celebration is an act of protest”【10†source】.

Explanation: The Pride celebration in Nashville this year is being held as a form of protest.

Simplified Version: Nashville’s Pride party this year is a protest.

Chinese Translation: 今年的納什維爾驕傲節慶祝活動是一種抗議行動。

5. Headline: “James Cameron says he figured days ago that the Titan submersible imploded, but hoped he was wrong”【12†source】.

Explanation: Film director James Cameron suspected a few days ago that the underwater vessel Titan had suffered an implosion, but he was hoping his assumption was incorrect.

Simplified Version: James Cameron thought the Titan submarine blew up inside some days ago, but wished he wasn’t right.

Chinese Translation: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆表示,他幾天前就預感到泰坦號潛艇發生了內爆,但他希望自己是錯的。

Model: Web Browsing

二、利用 GPT-4 的插件 Link Reader 讓它讀取特定網頁內容,甚至包括圖片中的文字或 PDF 文件,並解釋或翻譯, 比如下面這張來自 BYJU’s 的圖片。



A Happy Child %(快樂的孩子 %)

My house is red – a little house;(我的房子是紅色的 – 一个小房子;)
A happy child am I:(我是一个快樂的孩子:)
I laugh and play the whole day long,(我整天都在笑和玩,)
I hardly ever cry.(我幾乎從不哭泣。)
I have a tree, a green, green tree,(我有一棵樹,一棵綠色的樹,)
To shade me from the sun;(可以遮擋我免受陽光的照射;)
And under it I often sit,(我經常坐在它下面,)
When all my play is done.(當我所有的遊戲都結束時。)

請注意,OCR 可能無法完全準確地識別圖片上的所有文字,特別是如果文字佈局複雜或字體難以識別。
Model: Plugins – Link reader

三、讓它以特定口吻重寫任何內容並翻譯成中文。在下面的例子中,我用了 SummarizeAnything.ai 插件,它可以讀取油管視頻、網頁、及網上的 PDF 文件並做總結。

請讀取這段視頻內容 https://youtu.be/IOFlGPplHX8 ,然後以故事口吻用英文重寫並翻譯成繁體中文。
The video is a news report about the frantic search for a missing submarine that was en route to tour the Titanic wreckage. The submarine was carrying five people. The US Coast Guard is trying to pinpoint the source of underwater sounds detected in the search zone. However, the situation is becoming critical as the oxygen supply for the submarine passengers is expected to run out by the next day.

The report also features an interview with Michelle Turman, who has made the voyage to see the Titanic wreckage twice, albeit in a different vessel than the one operated by Ocean Gate. Turman was with two others in the sub, unlike Ocean Gate where there were five passengers. She shares her concerns about oxygen levels, temperatures, and the risks of going nearly 2.5 miles beneath the ocean surface. Despite the risks, Turman says she would absolutely do it again, describing the experience as overwhelming, humbling, and truly life-changing.

According to Ocean Gate, at least 46 people have successfully made the voyage to the Titanic wreck site from 2021 to 2022.

Here is the story in Chinese:


報導還採訪了米歇爾·圖爾曼,她曾兩次前往泰坦尼克號殘骸進行遊覽,儘管她乘坐的船隻與 Ocean Gate 運營的船隻不同。圖爾曼在潛艇上與另外兩人一起,而 Ocean Gate 的潛艇上有五名乘客。她分享了她對氧氣水平、溫度以及下潛到海面下近 2.5 英里的風險的擔憂。儘管存在風險,圖爾曼說她絕對會再次嘗試,她形容這次經歷是令人震驚、謙卑並且真正改變生活的。

根據 Ocean Gate 的數據,至少有 46 人在 2021 年至 2022 年成功地前往泰坦尼克號殘骸進行了遊覽。
Model: Plugins – SummarizeAnyhing.ai

Plugin store 裡有幾個能總結視頻內容的插件,但似乎都不能直接將聲音轉文字,如果你想要完整的內容,可以安裝這個瀏覽器外掛 – YouTube & Article Summary powered by ChatGPT ,安裝好便可在視頻右邊看到它的完整腳本:

進入這個外掛的 User Settings,在 Prompt for Summary 下面可以更改你要 ChatGPT 做的事情,我輸入了 “Summarize the following in a story telling style and translate it to Traditional Chinese.”

回到視頻點擊腳本視窗上方的 ChatGPT 圖示,便會打開 ChatGPT 同時顯示整個腳本、以說故事的口吻總結視頻內容並翻譯成繁體中文。

Summarize the following in a story telling style and translate it to Traditional Chinese. Title: “THE LATEST: Search for Titanic exploration sub reaching a critical point – YouTube” Transcript: “Now to the latest on the missing sub. The frantic search continues right now, but as more time passes, the more critical it becomes. Crews are still looking for the missing submarine carrying five people. It was in route to tour the Titanic wreckage. the US Coast Guard says crews are racing to pinpoint the source of underwater sounds detected in the search zone, though oxygen for the submarine passengers is expected to run out by tomorrow morning. But a woman knows exactly what it’s like to make the voyage to see the wreckage of the Titanic. Michelle Turman made the trip twice, but in a different vessel than the one operated by Ocean Gate. Turner was with two others in the sub, unlike Ocean Gate where there were five passengers. But she says the same concerns existed over oxygen temperatures and the risks of going of going nearly 2 1/2 miles beneath the ocean surface. I would tell you that after I did it, I would. Absolutely do it again. Even in light of what’s happening now, I probably would still do it. It’s a feeling that I’ll never forget. It is overwhelming. It’s humbling. It is something that is truly life changing. According to Ocean Gate, at least 46 people have successfully made the voyage to the Titanic wreck site from 2021 to 2022.”
Story Version:

Once upon a time, in the deep blue sea, the clock was ticking anxiously for a lost submarine destined to discover the Titanic’s ghostly wreckage. With each passing moment, the situation grew increasingly critical. Within the confines of this deep-sea vessel were five brave explorers, each one acutely aware that time was not their ally. As the sub disappeared en route to the Titanic’s resting place, the US Coast Guard, along with other valiant crews, embarked on a desperate search. Their ears strained to detect the faintest sounds underwater, hints whispering of the submarine’s location. Yet, the chilling reality was that the sub’s oxygen reserves would be depleted by the dawn of the next day.

Parallel to this unfolding drama, a woman named Michelle Turman, intimately familiar with the voyage to the Titanic’s grave, watched. Turman, having twice navigated the depths in a vessel other than the one owned by Ocean Gate, understood the dangers of such an adventure. Her vessel had only held three people, compared to the Ocean Gate’s five, but the risks remained the same: limited oxygen, frigid temperatures, and the hazardous journey nearly two and a half miles beneath the ocean surface.

But the danger, she said, had never dampened her spirit. If given the chance, she would absolutely take the plunge again, even with the present events casting a grim shadow. The emotions she experienced during those trips – the overpowering awe, the humbling realization of humanity’s insignificance in the face of nature’s grandeur – were unforgettable. In her eyes, the voyage was not just an expedition, but a life-altering experience.

And indeed, from 2021 to 2022, Ocean Gate attests that at least 46 individuals were able to stand in Turman’s shoes, successfully making the deep-sea journey to the spectral remnants of the Titanic.

Traditional Chinese Translation:


圖爾曼曾兩次乘坐非 Ocean Gate 所擁有的船只潛入深海,她對這種冒險的危險了如指掌。她的船只只有三個人,而 Ocean Gate 有五個,但風險仍然存在:有限的氧氣、嚴寒的溫度、以及接近兩個半英里深的海洋表面的危險旅程。


的確,從 2021 年到 2022 年,Ocean Gate 證實至少有 46 個人能夠像圖爾曼一樣成功地進行深海旅行,前往泰坦尼克號的幽靈殘骸。

這個插件安裝好後,在你瀏覽網頁時還會顯示 ChatGPT 按鈕在網頁右下方,點擊它也會打開 ChatGPT,顯示該網頁內容,並提供你在插件的 User Settings 裡 Prompt for Summary 下面設定要 ChatGPT 做的事情。


一、問 ChatGPT 關於語法規則和用法的問題。

過去完成時(Past Perfect Tense)用於描述過去某個時間之前已經發生或完成的動作或狀態。它由”had”(過去完成時的助動詞)加上動詞的過去分詞構成。以下是過去完成時的規則和用法以及一些例句和中文翻譯:


1. 肯定句結構:主語 + had + 過去分詞 例句:I had already finished my homework before dinner. 翻譯:晚飯前我已經完成了作業。

2. 否定句結構:主語 + had not + 過去分詞(或 hadn’t + 過去分詞)例句:She hadn’t seen that movie before. 翻譯:她之前沒有看過那部電影。

3. 疑問句結構:Had + 主語 + 過去分詞?例句:Had they arrived at the party when I called? 翻譯:當我打電話時,他們已經到達派對了嗎?


1. 表示過去某個時間之前已經發生或完成的動作或狀態。例句:He had studied English for five years before he moved to the United States. 翻譯:在他搬到美國之前,他已經學習了五年英語。

2. 用於描述過去的時間順序,指明一個事件在另一個事件之前發生。例句:By the time we arrived, they had already left. 翻譯:當我們到達時,他們已經離開了。

3. 用於虛擬語氣,表示對過去某個事件的猜測或假設。例句:If I had known you were coming, I would have prepared dinner. 翻譯:如果我知道你要來,我會準備晚飯的。

4. 用於間接引語中,表示過去某個時間之前已經發生或完成的動作或狀態。例句:She said that she had already read the book. 翻譯:她說她已經讀過那本書了。

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)



Yesterday, I went to park for see birds. It was many birds. I had fun watching. Then I decided to feed them. It was a beautiful moment.
Yesterday, I went to the park to see birds. There were many birds there, and I had fun watching them. Then I decided to feed them, which created a beautiful moment.


Yesterday, I went to the park to observe birds. There were numerous birds present, and I thoroughly enjoyed observing them. Subsequently, I made the decision to feed them, leading to a delightful and picturesque moment.


1. “for see birds” 應更正為”to see birds”,表示目的或意圖。

2. “It was many birds” 應更正為”There were many birds”,用”There were” 來描述存在的鳥類。

3. “I had fun watching” 可以保留,但也可以替換為”I thoroughly enjoyed observing”,以展示更多情感和參與度。

4. “Then I decided to feed them” 表達了動作的順序,沒有錯誤。

5. “It was a beautiful moment” 可以保留,但也可以進一步說明是因為餵鳥而產生的美好時刻。


Yesterday, I visited the park with the intention of birdwatching. The park was teeming with a wide variety of birds, and I derived immense pleasure from observing their behavior and movements. Inspired by the captivating scene, I spontaneously decided to feed them, resulting in a truly enchanting and memorable experience.
Model: Default (GPT-3.5)


詢問它關於英語的文化問題,例如詞彙、發音、習慣、風俗、詩歌、故事、歌曲、笑話等,並從 ChatGPT 的回答中獲取信息和知識、嘗試理解和欣賞它們。

Please correct my mistakes in my requests if there’s any. Tell me 3 American cultural customs and translate to Chinese.
Your request is already quite clear and doesn’t contain any mistakes. However, I would be happy to provide you with three American cultural customs and their translations in Chinese:

1. Thanksgiving: 感恩節 (Gǎn’ēn Jié) – It is a national holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Families and friends gather together to express gratitude for the blessings in their lives and enjoy a traditional meal, usually including roast turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

2. Super Bowl: 超級碗 (Chāojí Wǎn) – It is an annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), typically held on the first Sunday in February. The Super Bowl has become a significant cultural event in the United States, attracting millions of viewers who gather to watch the game, enjoy halftime performances, and indulge in snacks and drinks.

3. Independence Day: 獨立日 (Dúlì Rì) or 國慶日 (Guóqìng Rì) – Celebrated on July 4th, it commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, which marked the United States’ independence from British rule. Independence Day is often celebrated with parades, fireworks displays, barbecues, and various patriotic activities.

Please note that translations can vary, and the provided Chinese translations are commonly used.
Model: Default (GPT-3.5)


一、與 ChatGPT 進行一些有趣的遊戲和挑戰,例如猜謎、填空等。


1. 單詞接龍:我們可以交替說出以前一個人說的單詞結尾的單詞,例如,如果我說 “apple”,您可以回答 “elephant”,然後我可以回答 “tiger”,依此類推。

2. 成語接龍:我們可以交替說出以前一個人說的成語的最後一個字,例如,如果我說 “ 半信半疑”,您可以回答 “ 疑神疑鬼”,然後我可以回答 “ 鬼使神差”,依此類推。

3. 20 個問題:您可以選擇一個物體、人物或概念,並讓我猜測它是什麼。您可以向我提問,但每次只能問一個問題,我會盡量用簡潔的回答幫助您猜到正確的答案。

3. 故事填空:您可以開始一個故事,然後讓我填寫故事的下一部分。我們可以交替進行,每次添加一小段故事,以創建一個有趣的合作故事。

Once upon a time in Virginia
Once upon a time in Virginia, nestled among rolling hills and lush greenery, there stood a quaint little town named Willowbrook. The townsfolk lived simple, peaceful lives, going about their daily routines with a sense of contentment. However, behind the town’s idyllic facade, an intriguing mystery was about to unravel.

One sunny morning, as the townspeople gathered at the local café for their usual cups of steaming coffee, a peculiar letter arrived. It was addressed to the mayor of Willowbrook and bore a wax seal with an intricate emblem. The mayor, a curious and adventurous soul, opened the letter, revealing a handwritten message that sent shivers down his spine.
The letter spoke of an ancient legend, hidden treasures, and a forgotten secret buried deep within the heart of Willowbrook. It promised untold riches and the power to change the town’s destiny forever. The mayor, his eyes gleaming with excitement, called for a town meeting to share the news with the eager citizens.

Word spread like wildfire, and the residents of Willowbrook were consumed by a newfound sense of adventure. The once-quiet streets buzzed with anticipation as everyone embarked on a quest to unravel the mystery that had lain dormant for centuries.

They gathered in the town square, forming teams, each equipped with a map and a clue to guide them. With hearts pounding and determination in their eyes, the townspeople ventured into the surrounding forests, their steps guided by the legends passed down through generations.
As they delved deeper into the woods, obstacles and puzzles awaited them at every turn. Riddles carved into ancient trees and hidden symbols etched into moss-covered stones tested their wit and perseverance. But with each challenge conquered, their spirits soared, fueling their resolve to unearth the long-forgotten secret.

Model: Default (GPT-3.5)

二、使用遊戲插件:目前有 2 個不錯插件你可以玩玩看,安裝好插件,進入插件模式選擇插件,輸入 Let’s Play 就可以開始。

第一個是 Crafty Clues – 它是個猜字遊戲,類似上面的謎語,由它給你線索,你猜字;但你可以增加難度或挑戰性讓遊戲更加有趣,比如線索中的每個單詞都必須以與目標單詞相同的字母開頭、所有線索都必須以特定的說話風格給出(例如像 3 歲孩子一樣說話)、每條線索都必須以詩的形式給出等。

Let’s play!
Great! We’re going to play a game called Crafty Clues. It’s a word guessing game where I’ll give you a clue and you’ll have to guess the word I’m thinking of. Here are the rules:

1. I’ll get a target word and a list of related words that I’m not allowed to use in my clues.

2. I’ll give you a clue that doesn’t include the target word or any of the disallowed words.

3. You’ll get one guess. If you guess the word correctly, you’ll score 1 point. If not, you’ll score 0. Small typos or inexact conjugations will still count as correct.

4. After you guess, I’ll tell you whether you were correct and also tell you which words I wasn’t allowed to say.

5. We’ll play 5 rounds in total. At the end, I’ll report the final score.

Please start with the simplest ones.
Alright, here’s your first clue:

“This is a traditional practice from an Asian country, often associated with creating beautiful objects from a simple, flat material.”

What’s your guess?
Good guess, but the correct answer was “Origami”. The words I wasn’t allowed to use were “Paper”, “Folding”, “Japanese”, “Art”, and “Crane”. Let’s move on to the next round. Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it!

Let’s get the next word.

Here’s your second clue:

“This is something you need to remember to access your accounts. It’s a key, but not the one you use to open doors.”

What’s your guess?
Model: Plugins – Crafty Clues

第二個是 Timeport – 它是個歷史情境游戲,選擇一個歷史時期、一個特定的歷史事件或你想拜訪的歷史人物,如果你不確定,可以要它給你建議,選好之後它會引導你玩下去。

Let’s play!
Of course! I’m excited to start our time-travel adventure. To begin, please choose a historical period you’d like to visit. You can specify a particular era, event, or person, or if you prefer, I can select a random time period for you.
Qing dynasty
Welcome to the Qing Dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to 1912. It was a time of great cultural and technological development, but also of political unrest and change. You find yourself in the bustling capital city of Beijing, amidst grand palaces, busy markets, and serene temples.

Here is your inventory:

1. Jade Pendant: A symbol of wealth and nobility, jade is highly valued in Chinese culture. This pendant could be a useful tool in gaining favor with the elite.

2. Silk Robe: Silk is a sign of status and wealth in this era. Wearing this robe will allow you to blend in with the upper class.

3. Copper Coins: The common currency of the time. Useful for purchasing goods and services.

As you navigate the crowded streets, you encounter a scholar named Li Wei. He is a middle-aged man with a gentle demeanor and a deep love for literature and philosophy. He greets you with a warm smile, “Ah, a new face in the city. Welcome, traveler. How may I assist you on this fine day?”

Remember, at any time, you can type “options” to explore next possible actions, “inventory” to manage items, “quest” to embark on a quest, simply chat with characters, or travel to another time period.
Model: Plugins – Timeport


設定學習目標,並讓 ChatGPT 幫你制定學習計劃(你也可以告訴它你每天有多少時間或只有零碎時間練習)。

請扮演我的一對一英語私教,你的名字叫 Thomas 。我的英文程度是初級,

你的任務是協助我在 3 個月內達到英語中級水平。我每天能用來學習英語的時間大約是 1 小時。請幫我制定一個學習計劃。
當然可以,我很高興能幫助你提高你的英語水平。讓我們制定一個基於你時間和目標的詳細學習計劃。每天都要進行學習,以便在 3 個月內從初級提高到中級水平。


1. 詞彙(15 分鐘): 每天開始的時候,我將為你提供一份英語詞彙列表。包含單詞、含義和例句。這將有助於擴展你的詞彙量。

2. 閱讀(20 分鐘): 閱讀簡單的英文短文或者新聞報導。我會提供一些資源。這不僅能幫助你理解單詞在上下文中的含義,還能讓你熟悉英語的語法和句子結構。

3. 聽力(10 分鐘): 聽取英語對話或短篇故事,有助於提升你的理解能力並且適應各種口音。我會給你提供一些在線的聽力資源。

4. 寫作(10 分鐘): 寫一些簡單的句子或者段落,這有助於你實踐和鞏固你學到的詞彙和語法。

5. 口語(5 分鐘): 嘗試在課程結束時,用英語做一些簡單的自我介紹或描述你的日常生活。



1. 複習(30 分鐘): 複習一周的課程,看看是否有遺忘的詞彙或不理解的語法。

2. 看電影或聽音樂(30 分鐘): 這將幫助你了解和學習日常生活中的英語表達。盡量選擇有英文字幕的電影或歌曲。

3. 每週一次的一對一在線課程(1 小時)



階段 1:週 1 至週 2



階段 2:週 3 至週 4



階段 3:週 5 至週 6



階段 4:週 7 至週 8



階段 5:週 9 至週 10



階段 6:週 11 至週 12



Model: GPT-4

與 ChatGPT 對話,每打開一個 New chat,只要你不刪除它,你可以每天進去和它繼續該對話。比如上面的歷史情境游戲對話示例,我設定的是清朝,我可以每天進去和它往下玩,並且假設我長生不老,也許可以一直玩到今天以前。

又比如上面的製定學習計劃對話示例,我設定的學習時間是 3 個月(12 週),第一天你可以進去告訴它今天是學習的第一天,要它提供今天的閱讀學習內容,聽力的部分也可以要它提供內容,和上面說過的語音插件並用。第二天之後以此類推,到最後兩周復習時,可以讓它以某一天/週的材料出題測試你的學習成果。最後一天再做個總測驗看是否達成目標。

其實不管用以上何種方法,在每一次的練習之後,都可以讓 ChatGPT 就你每一次的練習內容出幾道題目,加強印象同時確認是否學會哦。 Happy Learning!

Mei Jones


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